Today was "hump day" on RAGBRAI. We have now completed 300 miles (only 30 of which have been downwind) with 177 to go. I had a real good ride today. Legs were strong and I "pulled" my group for many miles today. Pulling means riding on front which is tougher than sitting on someones wheel. I'm starting to sound like a real cyclist, aren't I? My saddle, while a little sore, seems in good shape to get to Bellevue. Tomorrow is a short day at only 62 miles. Winds will be light and in our favor most of the way. We don't have a team start so I am on my own. I plan to go out early and be done well before noon,

We had a chance to go to a VIP reception for the LAF. Here is a picture of Denise and I with John Edwards. Nice guy, but a little too far left for me.
The other picture is of me and my out of control riding partners at the Blues Traveler concert.
Special thanks to Annette, Ryan, Jack and Mae for their comments. Annette, I hope your recovery is going well and I look forward to swapping RAGBRAI stories with you soon. Ryan, your emailing me on DAHI time is okay but don't make a habit out of it or you may be without a job in the next few weeks. Jack, check back tomorrow for a cool Badger picture. Mae, I will only ride across China if you ride with me. Starting training those little legs.
It's getting late, so I need to get to bed. I'll be back tomorrow with another update.
Best food of the day: Chicken Salad sandwich at the Peacock Cafe in Ablington...amazing!
See you down the road.
Pat, Dad, Uncle Pat, etc........
1 comment:
This is the 1st ride I have missed in 5 years and I have been visiting the RAGBRAI web site 3-4 times a day...and I must say it gets in your blood. The sweat, the wind, the ach of muscles, the conversations you have with yourself while you ride….but mostly the random conversations you strike up with a stranger as you try to distract yourself from the task at hand….another long pull into the wind or another crappn’ hill.
Have 1 beer for me at the 1st bar on the right in the 2nd pass through town each day. The firehouse parties are normally the most memorable.
Enjoy and LIVESTRONGer than before for the experience!
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