Day 1 was quite a day. The pictures are of me and some of my teammates as we set off on our ride and as you might recognize, Lance Armstrong.
I rode well, felt well, but probably should have realized I have six more days to ride. I certainly was not like the average RAGBRAI rider as I averaged almost 18 MPH. Wind was a problem most of the day as I certainly learned the value of drafting. Tomorrow our team captain says we have to ride as group, draft off each other and go no faster than 15 MPH to conserve energy for later in the week. We also need to stop more often, eat more pie and be better advocates of the LAF. I have no problem with any of that and look forward to an easy day tomorrow (assuming I recover tonight!).
Denise and I had the chance to attend a youth event featuring Lance Armstrong. I had the honor of holding the microphone as the kids asked Lance questions and yes, after the event I got the chance to meet Lance and have a chat. Quite an honor, quite an honor indeed. I'll have a number of chances this week to spend more time with him.
To Kathy, Julia and Diane, I thought about all of you today. There are many survivors riding with us who are a real inspiration. LIVESTRONG and keep up the good fight!
Hi to Ben, Ryan and Tyler. Hi also to the Weaton boys. Hi to all at DAHI. Hi to Sam, Jack, Riley and Mae!
Gotta go and get some sleep. On the road by 7am tomorrow.
Best food of the day: hot mini sugar donuts.
See you down the road.
1 comment:
Hi Pat...great site, great cause... and it looks like things are progressing quite nicely. The Geneva Albregts clan is cheering you on as I write! We hope that Monday (and today) went as well as Sunday. Tomorrow is "hump" day and you should be on cruise control. I will get the boys to send you some inspirational posts that can carry you down the home stretch. Just think, once this is completed, you will be ready to compete in the Madison Ironman come September. God Bless Denise.
Go Badgers.
-- Doug
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