Saturday, July 28, 2007
Day 7: Dyersville to Bellevue- All Good Things Come to an End!

Friday, July 27, 2007
Day 6: Independence to Dyersville- What a Ride!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Day 5: Cedar Falls to Independence- Training Day

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Day 4: Hampton to Cedar Falls- Over the Hump!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Day 3: Humboldt to Hampton- Where's Lance?

Day 2- Spencer to Humboldt- Dinner with the Stars

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Day 1: Rock Rapids to Spencer- Wind Swept Fields

Monday, July 16, 2007
Ready to Ride

My training is pretty much complete and I proclaim myself ready to ride. After almost 1300 miles on the road with no problems other than the occassional stiff back, there is nothing to do now except pack. What will I bring for the riding part of the week? Riding jerseys are a must and I will bring four including my Team LIVESTRONG jersey, my RAGBRAI 2007 Jersey and my Team WISCONSIN jersey, all shown here. I'll also have 4 pairs of cycling shorts, 4 pairs of cycling socks, 3 types of various creams to prevent and soothe saddle soreness, 4 water bottles, 2 pair of cycling gloves, 2 helmets, 1 pair of cycling shoes and various spare parts and tools in case they are needed during the ride. This will allow me the luxury of only having to do laundry once!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Go the Distance

My next two weeks will be lighter training weeks as I want to begin to conserve energy for RAGBRAI week. I may actually do a little more running and a little less riding to give my seat a rest. With 1200 training miles under my belt, I feel ready to go.
Apache has taken a rather commanding lead in the Dexter/Apache fundraising challenge. They pulled even with Dexter last week, gave them a quick stare and then sped past them as Lance Armstrong often did to his competition in the mountains. Will Dexter have a response? With only one week of fundraising left, we'll have to see. Overall, my fundraising campaign has gone extremely well and has exceeded expectations.
Once again, THANKS to all of you who have contributed. For those of you still looking to participate, your donations need to be to me by next Wednesday, July 11th at the latest. You know the process by now, cash or check to me or Dale Sue Glass in Fairfield or to Pam Korth in Wisconsin.
A big thanks to my wife Denise and to Chris Brewer at the LAF who were the first to comment on my website. Chris, I am looking forward to meeting you and perhaps spending some time riding together during RAGBRAI. For those of you who have checked out this site, don't be afraid to hit the comment button and send me a note.
And finally, The Tour De France started today. You can catch all the action on the VS (versus) network (channel 72 on Mediacom in Fairfield). American George Hincapie of Lance Armstrong's former Discovery Channel Team sits in 3rd after the first day. The first day of racing was a 5 mile time trial....one of the few days in July when I'll actually ride further than the Tour riders!!!
See you down the road....
Sunday, June 24, 2007
My New Ride

The Dexter Apache challenge is shaping up to be a real horse race. Dexter got out to an early lead but the folks up at Apache are closing the gap very quickly. Who wants a lunch cooked by senior management worse? Keep up the great work everybody and remember you have until July 15, 2007 to donate (see my "Welcome" post for details). Whether it is $1, $10, $100 or more, everything helps and is very much appreciated. Join the fun and help us beat cancer once and for all! All of you non Dexter Apache supporters have been equally fantastic. Thank you for your generosity.
Despite being gone most of the weekend at a wedding, I had another good training week. I put in 120 miles on the bike which takes my total training miles up to 800. Just for good measure, I threw in 42 miles of running. With 4 weeks until RAGBRAI, I feel great. I'm starting to think I may be able to hang with Lance for more than a few miles.
RAGBRAI week for Team LIVESTRONG is shaping up to be real exciting. In addition to riding with Lance, we will have a couple of opportunities to spend time with him off the bike as well as get front row seats to a concert he is hosting at the UNI Dome. I'll keep you posted as more is announced.
Until next week, take a walk, ride a bike or go for a run. And most importantly, help me help the Lance Armstrong Foundation get a stranglehold on cancer.
See you down the road.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Back In The Saddle

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Congratulations to Team Dexter/Apache this past weekend. Lead by team captain Dale Sue Glass, the team raised about $4,000 for the American Cancer Society "relay for life". My wife Denise and I walked with the team for a while. The volunteers, supporters and survivors were all an inspiration. In their own way, they all stepped up and met the challenge.
Speaking of challenges, the employees at Dexter in Iowa and Apache in Wisconsin have agreed to a challenge worth every bit of the 500 miles I will ride in RAGBRAI. They have challenged each other to raise more donations per employee than the other. If Apache wins, I will head up to Wisconsin with some Iowa based managers and cook and serve lunch to everyone at Apache. If Dexter wins, Jim Freeze and his managers have to head to Iowa and cook and serve lunch to everyone at Dexter. This one is for more than donations. It is also for bragging rights. So come on everyone, step up and support cancer and the Lance Armstrong Foundation. We can't win the fight without your help. For those of you who have already made a contribution, thank you so much for your generosity. I must say, I am truly overwhelmed.
My training continues to go well. I rode about 150 miles this past week and ran 40 miles. I guess its no wonder why I am falling asleep on the couch at 8:30pm most nights! Yesterday, I rode 75 miles. My longest ride yet. I rode the same route as last week with a loop around Fairfield thrown in to get the total ride up to 75 miles. It was a great day to ride, and I felt good all around. Next weekend I plan on doing a 70 miler and a 50 miler on consecutive days to see how I respond to back-to-back long rides.
This weeks picture shows off my new RAGBRAI 2007 cycling jersey. It came a few days ago with all my credentials for the ride. Very exciting! Now all I need is for my Lance Armstrong Foundation LIVESTRONG jersey and my Wisconsin Badger jersey to arrive and I'll be all set. And yes, I would wear a Hawkeye jersey one day during RAGBRAI if I had one.
Well that's all for this week. Get out for a walk or go for a bike ride and LIVESTRONG!
See you down the road.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Questions and Answers

Today I did my longest ride yet. I covered 70 miles in a little less than 4 hours touring through the southeast Iowa towns of Birmingham, Stockport, Lockridge, Brighton and back to Fairfield. Rain threatened the first couple of hours but after that, it was real nice. As Lance might say, it was a good day in the saddle. My legs, lungs and heart felt great. Most important though, my saddle felt pretty good. I'm up over 400 training miles now and about halfway through my minimum training goal. Now on to some questions:
What kind of bike do you ride? As you can see by the picture, I ride a Trek 2200 road bike. It is made out of high alloy aluminum and carbon fiber. The wheel sets and tires are made by a German company named Bontrager and the mechanical components are made by a Japanese company named Shimano. The most important part of the bike is my saddle. It is made by an Italian company named Fizik (pronounced "physique") and I am starting to get real comfortable in it. My bike weighs about 19 pounds. Trek has made the world's best bicycles for over 30 years including every bicycle rode by Lance Armstrong during his seven Tour de France wins. I wear cycling clothes by Pearl Izumi including shoes with cleats that lock into the pedals and gel padded gloves to absorb road shock. And of course, I wear a helmet, made by Bell.
What do you think about when you ride? Work, friends, family, how much I am going to enjoy a cold beer when I get off the bike. Today I thought about many of the people I know battling cancer. I thought about my cousin Diane who is doing great and starting to put cancer in her rear view mirror. I thought about Julia Burt, a close family friend who is fighting a tough bout with cancer. She has just finished up a very aggressive schedule of chemotherapy. Julie, you are in our prayers and we think of you often. I thought about the Dexter Apache employees who right now are battling cancer. You guys are in our hearts and prayers. And I smiled when I thought about our survivors. Continue to LIVESTRONG you guys!
What route are your riding in RAGBRAI? The route and everything else you would want to know about RAGBRAI can be found at www.ragbrai.org.
What can you tell me about the Lance Armstrong Foundation? Everything you need to know can be found at www.livestrong.org.
Finally, I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the LAF on behalf of my ride. Your generosity is overwhelming. Keep your support coming and remember, either Dexter Apache Holdings, Inc. or myself will personally match all donations.
Check back in a week or so for my next post.
Until then, go for a ride, just for the health of it.
See you down the road,
P.S. Thanks to all the riders and walkers who participated in Dexter Apache's first "bike to work Friday". I'll see all of you and hopefully more next Friday.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Welcome To My Ride!!!

Welcome to the initial post to the "Pat's Ride Across Iowa" blog site. If you had enough interest to get this far, I hope you will follow me on my journey leading up to and including my ride across Iowa in RAGBRAI XXXV.
Why ride across Iowa? In one respect, just to prove to myself that I can. I've run 13 marathons, so they don't hold the same challenge that they once did. So why not ride across a state!!
But more than proving anything, my participation in RAGBRAI is about my ongoing passion to live an active and healthy life. It is part of who I am and who I want to be. I hope my ride will inspire you to go for a walk, a run or perhaps a ride.
My RAGBRAI ride is also about our ongoing battle against one of America's dealiest killers- cancer. Lance Armstrong and his LIVESTRONG Army will be participating in RAGBRAI. I will be joining them and in doing so I have committed to raising funds for the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) so that we can fight and beat this deadly killer. I hope you will support me and the LAF with both your moral and spirtual support as well as your financial generosity.
Donations can be forwarded to: Dexter Apache Holdings, Inc., 2211 W. Grimes Avenue, Fairfield, Iowa 52556, attention: Pat Albregts. Make checks payable to The Lance Armstrong Foundation. They are a 501-C-3 charitable organization so your contribution is tax deductible. I'll make sure Lance and his Army get them, personally. And I will be matching all personal donations 100%, while Dexter Apache Holdings, Inc will be matching corporate donations 100%.
So why a Blog site? It's a great way for you to follow my efforts. I will post an update every week until RAGBRAI starts and then I will post every day during the ride, complete with the lowdown on my training, my fundraising efforts and other important details (pictures included).
The picture above was taken today before a 50 mile training ride that took me from Fairfield to Birmingham, Stockport, Lockridge and back home. Sunny, cool and with light winds, I covered the distance in about 2 hours and 45 minutes- about 18 MPH! I felt great although I am still a ways from having my backside fully acclimated to the saddle. My training goal is to ride 700-800 miles leading up to RAGBRAI. I'm up to 250 at the moment.
So stay tuned for more updates and thanks in advance for your support. We have all been touched in some way by cancer. Let's continue to work hard to beat this terrible killer.
See you down the road.